Punjab ADO Wage Are you the one looking for information about the Punjab ADO Salary and other relevant topics? After that, you may give up looking. One of the greatest and most respectable positions in the state of Punjab is that of Punjab ADO. Since it’s the state government, a lot of the candidates express curiosity on the specifics.
We can guarantee that those who succeed in being hired as Punjab ADOs will make money from their pay. The state department’s Agriculture block of the subordinate service is home to the Agriculture Development Officer, or ADO. Serving as a liaison between the Agriculture Department and the District Agriculture Officer is the primary responsibility of a Punjab ADO.
As a result, we have prepared to provide you with a short explanation of the Punjab ADO Roles & Responsibilities, Punjab ADO compensation Allowances, and PPSC ADO Salary in this article’s compensation slip. Despite the fact that it seems there will be a lot of obligations. However, the employee’s job will determine the pay scale. Go through the parts in this article to have your questions answered.
Salary of a Punjab Agriculture Development Officer
All government workers will get generous compensation. Interested parties in the candidates’ efforts must be evident. An Agriculture Development Officer’s primary responsibility is to act as a coordinator between the Agriculture Department Block and the District Agriculture Officer, transferring information on field-level officials for the purpose of transmitting scheme specifics. To grasp the specifics, read the next section of the article.
Punjab ADO Pay Scale
A substantial in-hand wage would be awarded to all eligible applicants for the Punjab ADO. The base pay for the Punjab Agriculture Development Officer is Rs. 15600, with a pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100+5400. The Punjab ADO Salary Slip will provide a list of the allowance information. Without a promotion, the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Salary might go up to Rs. 39100.
Salary Allowances for Punjab ADO in Salary Slip
The Punjab ADO Salary is increased by additional benefit allowances in addition to the base wage. The Punjab ADO Salary Allowances in Salary Slip are given below. Look them up:
- Insurance
- Personal Accident Insurance
- Family Medi-claim
- Cash Medical Benefit
- Gratuity
- Defined Contributory Pension
- House Rent Allowance & City Compensatory Allowance
- Graduation Increment
Punjab ADO Duties and Positions
The specifics of the roles and responsibilities of the Punjab ADO are provided below. Take a look at them:
- The worker will oversee agricultural operations in many villages by acting as a supervisor and monitoring field workers such as Technical Assistants, ATMs, and BTMs.
- He will act as an advisor between the Agriculture Department Block and the District Agriculture Officer, transferring information about the field-level employees for the purpose of transmitting specifics about the plans.
- The workers need to be aware of what each and every farmer has to say about various programmes. arranging various extension activities via Kisan ghosties, Melas, and other interactive initiatives, such as farmers and scientists engagement programmes, etc.
- The worker is essential to the farmer-centric programmes’ implementation.
What After Punjab ADO Selection?
Every one of the chosen applicants will go through the training phase. Give the position of Agriculture Development Officer after that. A Punjab ADO’s three-year probationary term will be allocated inside Punjab. As soon as the candidates are appointed, nothing will change. The Government of Punjab Department of Finance and the Government of Punjab Department of Personnel in Chandigarh will oversee all the chosen applicants. Candidates must be responsible individuals who will do the assigned job justice.