NALCO Executive, Non Executive Salaries 2024

Executive and Non-Executive Salaries at NALCO Employment at NALCO is quite competitive. Many applicants will express interest in working for a company such as NALCO. The National Aluminium Company Limited, or NALCO, is led by some of the top managers and employs some of the best workers. Each of its several departments has a different pay scale. The compensation will be determined by the department and the task of the employee. Thus, the purpose of this post is to provide information on NALCO Executive Salaries and NALCO Non Executive Salaries.

There are many classifications for the Executive profile at NALCO, and each one comes with a high salary in addition to additional advantages. Based on their expertise and the task they completed, the organisation even provides a respectable compensation to non-executives. An extensive breakdown of NALCO Executive and Non-Executive Salaries is provided below. Examine the post to learn the salary range for each position and comprehensive details about Nalco Salaries in India.

Monthly Salary for Executive and Non-Executive Staff at NALCO

NALCO employees get better perks in addition to their pay. Basic pay, special pay, personal pay, dearness allowance, city compensatory allowance, conveyance allowance, productive incentive, tiffin allowances, education allowance, telephone reimbursement, magazine reimbursement, medical reimbursement, house rent allowance, reimbursement for electricity and water charges, Nirantar Utkarsha Puraskar (NUP), etc. are among the benefits included in the NALCO Executive and Non-Executive Monthly Remuneration. Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, in conjunction with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975, regulate the specifics of employee compensation. These will all be determined by the designations. Freshersnow has provided the NALCO Executive and Non-Executive Salaries in tabular form with the assistance of the official website.


In accordance with directives from the Indian government’s Department of Public Enterprises, the scale has been extended to all executives. The following IDA pattern scales are currently in use as of January 1, 2017.

DesignationsScale CodePay Scales (in Rs.)
Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Officer/ GET/MTE-040000 -3% – 140000/-
Jr. Manager/ Medical OfficerE-160000 -3%- 180000/-
Assistant Manager/ Sr.Medical OfficerE-270000 -3% – 200000/-
Dy. Manager/Asst. Medical Supdt.E-380000 -3% – 220000/-
Manager/Dy. Medical Supdt.E-490000 -3% – 240000/-
Sr. Manager/Medical SupdtE-5100000 -3% – 260000/
Asst. General Manager/ Asst. General Medical
E-6120000 -3% -280000/-
Dy. General ManagerE-7120000 -3% -280000/-
General ManagerE-8120000 -3% -280000/-
Executive DirectorE-9150000- 3%- 300000/-

Non Executives

The pay scale in respect of all non-executive employees is reviewed and revised once in 10 years after negotiations with trade unions and with reference to Govt. of India guidelines on the subject. The scales given below are in existence since 01.01.2017.

MinisterialTechnicalPay Scales (Rs.)
Scale CodeScale CodeScale Code

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