Mizoram HSLC Blueprint 2025 PDF Download

MBSE HSLC Blueprint 2025 is available for download in PDF format. Mizoram HSLC Blueprint 2025 The Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) has made the blueprint 2025 public for the high school level examinations in 2025. For anyone interested in downloading it, the Blueprint 2025 may be found on the official website of the MBSE. You are able to learn about the examination if you are a student who has successfully registered for the HSLC board examinations for the current year.Through the Mizoram HSLC Blueprint 2025, which was officially announced, the Exam Pattern 2025 PDF was made available. In addition to the PDF representing the test Pattern 2025, the Blueprint 2025 includes the test durations as well as the names of the subjects. Students have the opportunity to review all of the information as well as certain instructions that are included inside the Blueprint 2025 PDF file.

Blueprint for the Mizoram HSLC in 2025 From the perspective of board examinations, the HSLC Blueprint 2025 is of the utmost importance. After making a decision on the Exam Pattern 2025 PDF, the board subsequently communicates this decision to the students. The board is willing to administer the board exam on this particular pattern. In the first place, the Blueprint 2025 must be brought with the students who are going to participate in the MBSE HSLC test in the year 2025. The reason for this is that it helps students draft a study plan for the purpose of preparing for the examination. Therefore, it is imperative that students have the Exam Pattern 2025 PDF with them at all times. Additionally, there is a significant need to begin the preparation process as soon as possible in order to maintain the competition, which is anticipated to be neck and neck. During the previous academic year, there was a lively rivalry between males and females, and the proportion of students who passed was very high. All of the facts that have been provided indicate that this year’s expectations are fairly high.

Students need to bear in mind the significance of the tenth board examinations and the function that the final result will play in the future by referring to the Mizoram High School Level Certificate Blueprint 2025. Exams are scheduled to take place in the month of March, according to the MBSE HSLC Blueprint 2025. Due to the fact that students have an additional three months to prepare for the next examinations, it is imperative that they organize their Blueprint 2025 properly. Having the Blueprint 2025 in hand is the only way to accomplish the subject-wise preparation, which is of the utmost importance. In a short while, our website will be updated with the latest information on the release of the Exam Pattern 2025 PDF. Approximately one month before to the examinations, in February, the board is anticipated to make an announcement on the release of the Exam Pattern 2025 PDF.

Guide to Downloading the Blueprint for the MBSE HSLC Exam in 2025

It is essential that students constantly seek the assistance of professionals while obtaining items such as Blueprint 2025 and Exam Pattern 2025 PDF, among other things. Therefore, we are here to provide you the assistance of a trained specialist with the download procedures. The MBSE HSLC Exam Blueprint 2025 may be downloaded in a timely manner by following these instructions, which will assist you through the procedure. Take a look at these!

  • MBSE’s official website may be accessed at mbse.edu.in. Check it out!
  • When the website opens, you will see that there is a lot of activity going on.
  • Proceed to the top of the page and locate the ‘Examination’ section. Click on it.
  • You will be presented with a number of choices. At that point, choose the ‘Blueprint 2025’ option.
  • Next, choose the ‘High School’ option.
  • The ‘HSLC 2025 Examination Blueprint 2025’ link will be shown on the new page that will be opened immediately after clicking on it.
  • When you click on it, it will initiate the opening of another page that contains the Blueprint 2025.
  • You may see the PDF of the Exam Pattern 2025 as well as the topic titles by scrolling down.
  • To utilize the file for the test, download it.
Name of the exam Mizoram Board of Secondary Education (MBSE)  
Mode of exam Offline 
Exam datesFebruary 2025 (tentative)
Exam duration 3 hours 
Total subjects6
Question patternObjective type
Very short type
Short type
Long type
Total marks100
Passing marks33% in each subject
Negative markingNo
Official websitembse.edu.in

MBSE HSLC 2025 Exam Pattern: Marks Distribution

SubjectsTheory Marks Practical Marks
            Language 1        80
            Language 2        80
            Maths        80
            Social Science        80
            Science        7010

Subject-Wise MBSE HSLC Exam Pattern 2025

MBSE HSLC Maths Exam Pattern 2025

ChaptersTotal Marks
Commercial Mathematics Time, Distance & Work08
Coordinate Geometry08
Statistics and Probability08
Total Marks80

MBSE HSLC Science Exam Pattern 2025

The Human Eye04
Magnetic Effects
Sources of Energy04
Periodic Classification04
Chemical Reactions04
Metals & Non-Metals10
Acids, Bases & Salts
Life Process06
Control & Coordination07
How do Organisms Reproduce?
Heredity & Evolution04
Our Environment03
Management of Natural Resources03

MBSE HSLC Social Science Exam Pattern 2025

Section – History
Nationalism in Europe Nationalism in India10
Age of Industrialisation Making a Global World10
Print Culture and Nationalism04
Section – Geography
Resources & Development Forest & Wildlife Resources Water Resources09
Section – Economics
The Story of the Development Money and Financial System The Role of the Service Sector in the Indian Economy07
Consumer Awareness Globalization05
Section – Political Science
Working of Democracy Power Sharing05
Competition and Contestation in Democracy Outcome of Democracy04
Challenge of Democracy03
Section – Disaster Management
Disaster Management Survival Skills Alternative Communication System05
Total Marks80

MBSE HSLC English Exam Pattern 2025

Reading Section10
Writing Section15
Literature Section40

MBSE HSLC Exam Pattern 2025: Grading System

MarksGradeGrade Points

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