The GSEB Gujarat Board Blueprint for the 9th grade in 2025: In accordance with the notification that was issued by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) in July 2025, the curriculum for the 9th grade has been updated and simplified in order to encourage students’ overall development. Given in the notification,
The board has stated that the reduced curriculum would serve as the basis for the new Gujarat Blueprint that will be established. The blueprint paper forms for the 9th grade are being developed in accordance with the modifications that have been made to the textbooks by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in reference to the shortened syllabus.
According on the aforementioned information, the Blueprint 2025 weightage and example blueprint papers of the subjects listed below for Class 9 have been developed by the experts. These papers are based on the material of the chapters of Class 9 that have been cancelled or removed by the Gujarat State School Textbook Board, Gandhinagar.